Caledonian Maintenance Services places a high premium on discharging its responsibility to ensure the health and safety, and general wellbeing of its workforce.
The company has a comprehensive Health and Safety Code of Practice, accredited and externally audited in accordance with ISO 45001, which spells out its commitment to providing all employees with a safe and healthy workplace and working environment.
Caledonian Maintenance Services actively enacts the provisions of its Health and Safety Policy. It encourages its 130 strong workforce to take ownership of health and safety issues, and to discharge their own obligations under the regulations to take reasonable care for their own safety and the safety of those working with them.
Caledonian Maintenance Services’ Health and Safety policies covers everything from the issue and use of protective clothing to the use of equipment and cleaning materials and general personal safety procedures. Our health and safety policies are not static, but evolve and aim to exceed, and indeed set, industry standard for safe working practices.
Caledonian Maintenance Services also makes maximum use of technology to help create a safe working environment for its employees. For instance, the company’s window cleaning teams are all equipped with reach and wash water fed poles, which extend to 60 feet and mean the window cleaners no longer have to rely on ladders, one of the major causes of serious accidents.
Caledonian Maintenance Services prides itself on the low accident rate achieved over the past 30 years. Where accidents do occur though, no matter how small, we ensure that these are recorded in line with official guidelines, but most importantly, we ensure that a thorough assessment and evaluation takes place to establish what lessons can be learnt, and what steps can be taken, to improve our accident rate further still.